
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Comparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County Sligo Essay

proportion between Woman Work and Overheard in County SligoWoman Work and overheard in County Sligo are both(prenominal)(prenominal) poems which give usan image of the role of charrhood in the past, and how she contri saveed tosociety Through reading both these poems, it is apparent that both ofthe poets backgrounds have influenced the poems. In the past, womenwere non considered important in society, and their efforts were nonvalued, not even by muliebrity herself. Women were expected to stay athome, and get down housewives. Woman pull throughd in a society in which therewas mechanical press to get married, wither by family pressure level or societalpressure. It was not necessary for char to conform to the beliefs andwishes of society, scarcely many women mat compelled to remark the typicalimage expected of adult female.Maya Angelou and Gillian Clarke are two female poets who mat up it wasimportant to write about the situation that some char woman had to see in. Maya Angelou is a black female who felt compelled to write about howwoman were treated in the years before her. She felt her ancestorswere suppressed, not simply because of their African race but becausethey were woman. Her poem, Woman Work, is about a womans struggleeveryday to keep up with life, and do the housework.The woman in Woman work is unhappy with her life. She has many jobs todo, and does not face any positive emotion towards them. She isconstantly working, and this is her main priority in life.We know that she has children. She says Ive got the tots to dress.There is no mention of the childrens fat her in the poem, which mayindicate that he gives her no protagonist in the housework.The woman is very tired and flustered. She says Let me rest this evening,which implies that it i... ...pped by their lives.I moot that even though the woman in Overheard in County Sligo isricher, and may be more well- murder than the woman in Woman Work, theyare both unfortunate and have the homogeneous amount of pressure on them. I akin both poems, but I prefer Woman Work as I resembling the use oflanguage and imagery in the last 4 verses. I like the lines Fallsoftly dewdrops and cover me with white I imagine using nature at theend of the poem makes the poem better, as it emphasises all the lackof materialistic things she owns, and nature is all she has. I commemoratethe use of vocabulary is very good, and Maya Angelou has made themajority of the last intravenous feeding verses very peaceful.On the other hand, I like that Overheard in County Sligo starts hitwith an overview of a woman, who, on the surface, has the perfectlife, while she is secretly living in misery. comparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County Sligo EssayComparison between Woman Work and Overheard in County SligoWoman Work and overheard in County Sligo are both poems which give usan image of the role of woman in the past, and how she contributed tosociety Through r eading both these poems, it is apparent that both ofthe poets backgrounds have influenced the poems. In the past, womenwere not considered important in society, and their efforts were notvalued, not even by woman herself. Women were expected to stay athome, and pass away housewives. Woman lived in a society in which therewas pressure to get married, wither by family pressure or societalpressure. It was not necessary for woman to conform to the beliefs andwishes of society, but many women felt compelled to pursue the typicalimage expected of woman.Maya Angelou and Gillian Clarke are two female poets who felt it wasimportant to write about the situation that some woman had to live in.Maya Angelou is a black female who felt compelled to write about howwoman were treated in the years before her. She felt her ancestorswere suppressed, not merely because of their African race but becausethey were woman. Her poem, Woman Work, is about a womans struggleeveryday to keep up with life, and do the housework.The woman in Woman work is unhappy with her life. She has many jobs todo, and does not specify any positive emotion towards them. She isconstantly working, and this is her main priority in life.We know that she has children. She says Ive got the tots to dress.There is no mention of the childrens fat her in the poem, which mayindicate that he gives her no foster in the housework.The woman is very tired and flustered. She says Let me rest this night,which implies that it i... ...pped by their lives.I designate that even though the woman in Overheard in County Sligo isricher, and may be more well-off than the woman in Woman Work, theyare both unfortunate and have the same amount of pressure on them. Ilike both poems, but I prefer Woman Work as I like the use oflanguage and imagery in the last four verses. I like the lines Fallsoftly dewdrops and cover me with white I think using nature at theend of the poem makes the poem better, as it emphasises all the lackof mat erialistic things she owns, and nature is all she has. I thinkthe use of vocabulary is very good, and Maya Angelou has made themajority of the last four verses very peaceful.On the other hand, I like that Overheard in County Sligo starts offwith an overview of a woman, who, on the surface, has the perfectlife, while she is secretly living in misery.

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